Paper Title

CASOR: Context-Aware Social Robot for Home Environment


  • Ankur Pandey
  • Rupali Nikhare


context-aware social robot, Casor social robot, robot home automation, voice controlled robot


Parallel research in artificial intelligence and robotics has created a new outlook towards the capabilities of machines. The era of robotics research started from simple mechanical industrial machines to complex intelligent robots that can learn from experience and mimic humans in everyday tasks. Social robots are one such example of artificial intelligent robots. Robots are becoming an integral component of our society and have great potential in being utilized in a variety of ways to serve humans. The existing systems are way too complex to study, recreate, less flexible and cost ineffective. A low cost social robotic platform is presented in this paper. The robot is context aware in home environment and is comprised of various sensors that can monitor temperature, humidity and light intensity in home conditions. It also consists of passive infrared sensor to detect nearby presence of user. The robot can control the switching of home devices with the help of voice commands. The robotic system can be monitored remotely using Internet. It uses open source hardware and software technologies in order to be economical.

Article Type


How To Cite

Ankur Pandey, Rupali Nikhare. "CASOR: Context-Aware Social Robot for Home Environment".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.830-838, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 830-838

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