Paper Title

Survey paper on Different techniques for Minimum Spanning tree


  • Patel Nirav Jasavantbhai
  • Prof. Shweta Agrawat


Graph, Spanning tree, Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm


For a given graph there are number of vertices and edges. Each edge has weight associated with it. Minimum spanning tree is the tree with lowest weight and contain all vertices in which there is no any cycle. There are different algorithms to solve the problem of minimum spanning tree. In this paper we have discuss about prim’s algorithm, kruskal’s algorithm, modified prim’s algorithm etc.There are different ideas in different algorithms to find minimum spanning tree.

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How To Cite

Patel Nirav Jasavantbhai, Prof. Shweta Agrawat. "Survey paper on Different techniques for Minimum Spanning tree".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.22 - 25, URL :


Volume 1 Issue 3 

Pages. 22 - 25

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