Paper Title

A Research Paper On Security Enhancement In Leach Protocol


  • Deepika
  • Manpreet


Wireless sensor networks, Base station, Cluster Head, Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy.


Wireless sensor nodes are basically the group of nodes which communicate with each other and with the base station with the help of communication link. LEACH is a very important protocol which is used in sensors networks. Previously all the work in leach has been done to control the energy consumption by the nodes. Very less work has been done to enhance the security level of the leach. So the objective of this paper is to enhance the security level of LEACH with no compromise with energy level. In this proposed work DES encryption algorithm has been applied on the LEACH protocol. The results are obtained in the MATLAB.

Article Type


How To Cite

Deepika, Manpreet. "A Research Paper On Security Enhancement In Leach Protocol".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.510-516, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 510-516

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