Paper Title

Optimization of Process Parameters of Sinkage EDM on EN 32Steel by Using Taguchi’s Approach


  • Bhoj Raj Chaudhary
  • Upender Dhull


MRR, TWR, EDM, EN32 Steel


Electric discharge machine (EDM) is a non conventional machining which is vastly used in industries for hard and toughened materials and parts with typical in shapes by using absolutely controlled sparks. In EDM an electrode which is an anode and work-piece used as the cathode, both are separated by a small distance and dielectric fluid is present in between them. The spark causes for removal of material from both work-piece and material. Hence the tool wear rate (TWR) and metal removal rate (MRR) are critical importance in this process. However EDM has a wide range of processparameter and the aim of EDM users and manufacturers is to achieve optimal performance ofEDM. So in this study, our focus is concentrated on the optimization of process parameter of electric discharge machine for maximizing the MRR and minimizes the TWR.The article presents an overview of parameters like current, pulse on time, electrode and duty cycle for the material EN 32 steel tool.Here parameters are optimized according to Taguchi Method and L16 orthogonal array is used for 4 levels of optimization.

Article Type


How To Cite

Bhoj Raj Chaudhary, Upender Dhull. "Optimization of Process Parameters of Sinkage EDM on EN 32Steel by Using Taguchi’s Approach".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.345-351, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 345-351

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