Paper Title

Uncertainty Estimation of Drone Propellers Acceleration and Stability


  • Darmeli Nasution
  • Donni Nasution
  • Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan


Fuzzy,Sugeno, Drone, Stability


Drones are unmanned aircraft are often used for specific purposes especially in the military environment. The use of these aircraft often experiences problems while in the air. There are two types of machines used in the drone, jet, and propeller. This study aims at the use of propellers. Usually, the drone has four propellers on each side, but there also has more. Load changes will affect the balance of drones. It will also change the angle of each side. Fuzzy techniques applied in this case is that it will adjust the speed of each propeller based on the load that it has. Every corner will affect the balance are two points X and Y. The application of this method will improve the speed of the propeller and made the position of drones in the air to be stable.

Article Type


How To Cite

Darmeli Nasution, Donni Nasution, Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan. "Uncertainty Estimation of Drone Propellers Acceleration and Stability".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.322-329, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 322-329

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