Paper Title

Mitigation Of Sag And Swell In Multibus System By Using DPFC


  • T.Naga Bhargavi
  • B.Vijaya Krishna
  • G.Anil kumar


Distributed power flow controller(DPFC),Sag,swell,Power quality


present days the demand of electricity and nonlinear loads increases, power quality problems will be occurs in the interconnected power system network. Power quality problems are voltage sag and swell can be eliminated by using distributed power flow controller then power quality can be improved. The switching level model is constructed using three phase six pulse shunt converter and single phase four pulse series converters. Both the converters are modeled as back to back voltage source inverters connected without the D.C link are controlled by pulse width modulation scheme. This model is implemented to the bus system of 2,3,5 bus system at different loads . The detailed DPFC simulation in switching level model is performed in Matlab/Simulink environment

Article Type


How To Cite

T.Naga Bhargavi, B.Vijaya Krishna, G.Anil kumar. "Mitigation Of Sag And Swell In Multibus System By Using DPFC".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.297-304, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 297-304

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