Paper Title

A Comparative Study of Noising And Denoising Technique In Image Processing


  • Nancy Singla
  • Kamal


Image processing, Noising, Denoising.


Images are often corrupted by noise. For visual quality as well as for satisfactory extraction of important features from the images, denoising of the images is necessary. It is an unavoidable pre-processing step for many applications such as image compression, segmentation, identification, fusion, object recognition etc. Many successful algorithms have been proposed over the past few decades for image denoising. Impulse noise reduction or removal is a very active research area of image processing. Denoising of an image is an essential step in many image processing applications.The purpose of image denoising is to get a clear version of a noisy image.

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How To Cite

Nancy Singla, Kamal. "A Comparative Study of Noising And Denoising Technique In Image Processing".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.38-42, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 38-42

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