Paper Title

speed control of bldc motor using fuzzy logic controller


  • Soni Monika Gordhandas
  • Girish V. Jadhav


introduction, speed control, comparison of controllers, fuzzy logic, simulation.


in this paper the detail of bldc motor is shown. Conventional methods like pi, pid don’t give better result for speed control. These methods don’t increase the speed of response. But fuzzy control gives better output then these methods .we make rule table for different value of speed & get accurate answer for the control of speed. We use mamdani methods for fuzzy control & centroid method for defuzzification. Then we use matlab software for fuzzy set & get the simulation.

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How To Cite

Soni Monika Gordhandas, Girish V. Jadhav. "speed control of bldc motor using fuzzy logic controller".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 2, pp.94 - 97, URL :


Volume 1 Issue 2 

Pages. 94 - 97

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