Bilateral Control of Dynamical System
- Naveen Kumar
- Poras Khetarpal
- Ram Pravesh Kumar
Bilateral teleoperation, position tracking, passivity, proportional- derivative (PD) control.
This paper proposed a novel frame work for bilateral teleoperation system with a Mass damper system with/without using time delay. A Bilateral Tele-operation system is composed of a local master site, which is driven by a human operator, and a remote slave site, which is in contact with the environment. In such a system, the slave follows the movement of master and the master receives feedback information from the slave. The slave do not track master properly due to instability caused by time delay present in communication channel. The presence of constant/variable time delay in communication channels can deteriorate system performance. A design feedback control scheme for bilateral telerobotic systems in the presence of time delay has been exploited. Bilateral teleoperator show instability in the presence of time delays. The instability occurs due to non-passive nature of communication channel. Scattering parameter based method has been exploited for designing a passivity based controller to study the effect of time delays of telerobotic system. In scattering parameter methods, communication channel assumed to be lossless transmission line and by this approach a passive control law has been designed that makes channel passive.
Naveen Kumar, Poras Khetarpal, Ram Pravesh Kumar. "Bilateral Control of Dynamical System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1777-1783, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 2
Pages. 1777-1783