Paper Title

Retrieval of images on the Basis of Contents: a Review


  • Manpreet Kaur
  • Sakshi Dhingra


Content Based Image Retrieval, Annotation Based Image Retrieval, color, texture, shape.


With the rapid advancement and development of the Internet, the availability of various devices for capturing the images such as image scanners, the digital image collection’s size is rising quickly. A well-organized image browsing, searching and retrieval tools are essential for users from different domains, including crime prevention, remote sensing, publishing, architecture, medicine etc. Therefore, several general purpose image retrieval systems have been exploited. In CBIR, images are accessed, searched and indexed by their visual contents. Content based image retrieval consists of two parts: feature extraction/indexing and retrieval part. The techniques which are used to extract features of an image are called feature extraction techniques. The choice of features plays a significant role in image retrieval. Some of the features used in CBIR are color, texture and shape. Combination of these features provides better performance than single feature. Here we have reviewed some of the work carried out in this field.

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How To Cite

Manpreet Kaur, Sakshi Dhingra. "Retrieval of images on the Basis of Contents: a Review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1734-1740, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 1734-1740

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