Paper Title

Thermo-mechanical analysis in TIG welding of S.S 304


  • Vijay Gohel
  • Jatin Makwana
  • Riteshkumar Ranjan


Thermo-mechanical simulation, temperature distribution, TIG welding


Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) is a high quality welding process commonly used to join plates of higher thickness in load bearing components. These processes provide a purer and cleaner high volume weldments. The objective is to study the variation of temperature in TIG welded SS 304 plate of 3 mm work piece thickness. In this work, thermal analysis with the help of ANSYS workbench carried out for butt joint stainless steel base metal (SS 304) using Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. Thermo - Mechanical simulation is developed. Comparison with the temperature measured by the thermocouples records shows that the results from the present simulation have good agreement with the test data.

Article Type


How To Cite

Vijay Gohel, Jatin Makwana, Riteshkumar Ranjan. "Thermo-mechanical analysis in TIG welding of S.S 304".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1704-1710, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 1704-1710

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