Paper Title

Seismic Assessment of RC Building with Different Lateral Load Conditions


  • Yogesha D.M
  • Dr. Narendra B.K
  • Manjunatha J.K


Bare Frame, Masonry Infill, Soft Storey, Bracing.


Increasing population and urbanization makes parking space facilities very important in the construction. Therefore soft storey gets importance in construction to provide parking facility to vehicles. A soft storey constructs with infill or without infill affects the stiffness of structure, therefore before construction of soft storey, study about seismic condition and lateral load condition is necessary. In this study we analyze the models using ETABS-2013 software and compare each model results of mode shape and base shear using Response spectrum and Time history method, models used in this analysis are bare frame, alternative infill, alternative bracing and bracing outside in seismic zone 4. Seismic performance is mainly focused by this study. From the analysis, it is found that Base shear is more in soft storey is reduced by using bracing and infill in soft storey. This shows the poor performance of soft storey without using bracing or infill. Mode shape changes storey to storey and time to time, mode shape shows results x direction, y direction and rotational direction. All these results prove the soft storey without infill or bracing is giving poor performance compare to with infill and bracing.

Article Type


How To Cite

Yogesha D.M, Dr. Narendra B.K, Manjunatha J.K. "Seismic Assessment of RC Building with Different Lateral Load Conditions".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1474-1478, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 1474-1478

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