Paper Title

Structural performance improvement of passenger seat using FEA for AIS 023 compliance


  • Satyajit Thane
  • Dr.R.N.Patil
  • Chandrakant Inamdar


Structural analysis, Passenger seat, AIS 023, H1-H2 test


In this work structural performance of seat structure has been studied and improved to meet the Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)-023 regulations [5], using Finite Element Method (FEM) based numerical code. The base design was found to be not meeting the requirements in the test. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of base model was done to establish the correlation with the test results. The results of the base model in FEA were in close correlation with the test results validating the materials used and the test procedure followed. Later, the weak zones were identified and relevant design changes were made through hand calculations and then the design changes were implemented in the model. The main structural part which was circular in cross section was replaced by square section tube. Dimensions of the square tube were derived from hand calculations. Replacing the circular tube with square tube showed significant improvement in the structural performance of seat. The Seat was able to sustain the rated load and deflections were also found to be within the specified limits with no structural failures at any other locations.

Article Type


How To Cite

Satyajit Thane, Dr.R.N.Patil, Chandrakant Inamdar. "Structural performance improvement of passenger seat using FEA for AIS 023 compliance".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1405-1411, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 1405-1411

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