pavement evaluation and application of glass fibres in flexible pavement
- Jaydrath K. Reddiar
- Mahek H. Vasani
- Priyank B. Shah
Glass fiber, Bituminous mix, Strength
In the case of flexible pavement, maintenance cost is a greater factor in comparison of construction cost due to continuous deterioration of pavement. This study emphasizes the influence of glass fibre in regards to achieve the desirable properties of bituminous mixes. We studied the influence of feasibility assessment in flexible pavement using glass fiber. We will obtain Optimum Bitumen content (OBC) and Optimum Fibre Content (OFC) in regards to the shrewd usage of glass fibre. Parameters like ductility, tensile strength , stiffness, cracking, marshal stability, drainage, skid-resistance will be stressed on. For the flexible pavement , optimum glass fibre content of 3% , 5% and 7% are considered. The required replacement material are easily available, environmental friendly , economical and easy to use. To obtain the required strength and increase the life span of the pavement and SPT will be adopted. The outcome of analysis of different parameters like tensile strength, life span, ductility and stability values are obtained.
Jaydrath K. Reddiar, Mahek H. Vasani, Priyank B. Shah. "pavement evaluation and application of glass fibres in flexible pavement".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1308-1312, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 2
Pages. 1308-1312