Paper Title

Design and Modeling of 3 dof Handling Mechanism for High Payload


  • Bhadresh A. Makwana
  • Prof.S.S. Bhatt
  • Sanjay V. Taviyad


Handling mechanism, V-groove caster wheels, Scissor jack design


A higher payload handling ability of a mechanism demands strength, easy response for accurate movement of load. The system must be flexible enough so that it can lift the defined payload with minimum deformation. Various mechanisms for handling payload are analyzed briefly and suitable mechanism is selected on the basis of specified environment. The design calculations are performed with standard design procedures for each part of the mechanism and values are derived. Linear motion of the mechanism is achieved using v-groove caster and lead screw combination. Lifting of the load is achieved by Scissor Jack and rotation of the payload is done by using U-groove caster wheels. These three motions provide a flexibility to position the payload to any position with the envelope defined for handling the payload. The self-locking capability of the lead screw prevents the reverse motion of the mechanism due to the payload weight acting on the mechanism and causing its displacement itself.

Article Type


How To Cite

Bhadresh A. Makwana, Prof.S.S. Bhatt, Sanjay V. Taviyad. "Design and Modeling of 3 dof Handling Mechanism for High Payload".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.934-938, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 934-938

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