Paper Title

Behavior of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members with Perforations subjected to Compression Loading


  • Sudhir Reddy


Cold-formed, ultimate strength, elastic stiffness, longitudinal displacement, LVDT


Cold-formed steel sections are widely used in building structures like transportation machineries, storage racks, domestic equipment’s and other. Cold formed steel sections are widely available with difference sizes and shape. Cold formed steel sections are manufactured with difference process such as folding, press-breaking and rolling etc. The yield strength and tensile strength of the cold formed steel section increases but ductility decreases specially the corners. And the properties will diff. At the corners in CFLGSS compared to the flat steel sheet, plate and strip or base before forming. Buckling analysis plays an important role in the research and design of cold formed steel members. But we know many structural cold formed steel members are provided with perforation of diff, size and shape to accommodate electrical, plumbing, and heating services. The ultimate strength and elastic stiffness of structural members can vary with perforations made especially for fastens such as bolts, screws etc. may be neglected as perforation to make the member economical i.e. to reduce the steel the reduction in cross sectional area caused by their perforations should be taken into account for this purpose. Finite element model using ANSYS FEM Package and one can develop its accuracy will validated using experimental and theoretical results. And from numerical, experimental and theoretical investigation, the load carrying capacity of column members for diff, sizes of channel sections with various arrangements of perforations positions, subjected to compression loading will be done. Where after validations we are aiming to remove the material where the stress will be less or zero and on the same member experimental investigation will be carried out. Both the analytical and experimental load carrying capacity of the member will be compared and possible reduction in the material will be concluded.

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How To Cite

Sudhir Reddy. "Behavior of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members with Perforations subjected to Compression Loading".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.686-688, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 686-688

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