Paper Title

Improvement of Properties of Highly Swelling Soil by using Waste Paper Sludge


  • V. Surya Teja
  • K. Sindhuja
  • G.Sai Krishna


Waste paper sludge, high swelling soil, swelling properties, Index and Engineering properties.


The highly swelling soil causes major effect to structures. Due to presence of Montmorillonite mineral soil has high swelling property. Before construction we need to reduce this swelling and shrinkage property of the soil. The main objective of our study is Stabilization of high swelling soil by using of waste paper sludge to reduce high swell at low cost and an eco-friendly method. The proctor tests results indicates that with the increase in waste paper sludge percentage there was an increase in the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) and reduction in the Maximum Dry Density (MDD). At optimum value 14% we got good results Swelling also reduced.

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How To Cite

V. Surya Teja, K. Sindhuja, G.Sai Krishna. "Improvement of Properties of Highly Swelling Soil by using Waste Paper Sludge".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.417-419, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 417-419

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