Design and Development of Pneumatic Cutting Machine
- S. S. Hiwale
- S. R. Bannagare
- N. N. Panode
Automation, Compressor, Solenoid valve, Pneumatic.
Abstract – The pipe cutting process is a main part of all industries. Normally the pipe cutting machine is manually hand operated one for medium and small scale industries. Automation in the modern world is in inevitable. Any automatic machine aim at the economical use of man, machine, and material worth the most. In our project is solenoid valve and control timing unit is used for automation .The pipe cutting machine works with the help of pneumatic double acting single cylinder .The piston is connected to the moving cutting tool .It is used to cut the small size of the pipe. The machine is portable in size, so easy transportable.
A compress air from compressor is used as force medium for this operation. There are pneumatic double acting cylinders, solenoid valve, flow control valve and timer unit is used. The arm from the compressor enters to the flow of control valve.
The control air from the flow control valve enters to the solenoid valve. The function of solenoid valves all of air correct time interval. The 5/2 solenoid valve is used In one position air enters to the cylinder and pushes the piston so that the cutting stroke is obtained.
The next position air enters to the other side of cylinder and pushes the piston return back, so that the remaining stroke is obtained .The speed of cutting releasing stroke is varying by the timer control unit circuit.
S. S. Hiwale, S. R. Bannagare, N. N. Panode. "Design and Development of Pneumatic Cutting Machine".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.340-344, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 2
Pages. 340-344