Paper Title

Planning, Scheduling and Resource Management for Residential real estate project in Ahmedabad by using Microsoft Project


  • Krushil S. Patel
  • Shakil S. Malek


project management, planning, organizing, controlling


Project management is a process of planning organizing and managing activities and resources to accomplish a defined objective within constraints on time resource or cost. It is very common to see project failing to achieve its mission within specified time and cost. The factors contributing to overrun are inadequate project formation, poor planning for implementation and lack project management during project execution but the main cause of failure can be attributed to cost estimation failure and management failure. Project controlling uses the data from monitor activity to bring actual performance to planned performance.

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How To Cite

Krushil S. Patel, Shakil S. Malek. "Planning, Scheduling and Resource Management for Residential real estate project in Ahmedabad by using Microsoft Project".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.189-194, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 189-194

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