Paper Title

Experimental Analysis of Heated Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array (HRFA) Under Forced Dominating Mode of Mixed Convection (FCDMM)


  • Shardul kulkarni
  • Prof.H.N.Deshpande
  • Prof.S.Y.Bhosale


heat transfer, fin array ,mixed convection.


Present study represents experimental analysis of heated horizontal rectangular fin array (HRFA) under forced dominating mode of mixed convection (FCDMM). In experimental study heat transfer characteristics are investigated for fin with L/H=5; the effect of various parameters such as fin spacing, heater input and flow velocity on average heat transfer coefficient (ha),base heat transfer coefficient (hb) studied. The dimensionless number analysis such as Nusselt number, Reynolds number (Re), Grashoff number (Gr), Richardson number (Ri) is also presented. Different heat transfer characteristics such as ha, hb are determined and compared with experimental and numerical results of plain horizontal rectangular fin arrays (HRFA). In comparison it is observed that for modified fin geometry average heat transfer coefficients (ha) increased by 17%.

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How To Cite

Shardul kulkarni, Prof.H.N.Deshpande, Prof.S.Y.Bhosale. "Experimental Analysis of Heated Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array (HRFA) Under Forced Dominating Mode of Mixed Convection (FCDMM)".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.182-188, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 182-188

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