Paper Title

Prevention Techniques against Sybil Attacks in MANETS: A Literature Survey


  • Bindu Chaurasiya
  • Mohit Shrivastav
  • Devendra Kumar


Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Sybil Attack, Received Signal Strength .


Security is a major aspect of concern in any kind of Ad-hoc networks. In Mobile ADHOC Networks (MANETs), mobility among nodes creates difficulty for securing and support of conveniences. That’s the main reason which makes such wireless networks vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. One of the attacks is Sybil Attack which leads to decrease in performance of network in terms of delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, normalized routing load etc. Sybil attacker creates multiple fake identities to misguide the network or system. In this survey paper, it is tried to summarize the previous prevention techniques against this attack and concluded with respective techniques performance.

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How To Cite

Bindu Chaurasiya, Mohit Shrivastav, Devendra Kumar. "Prevention Techniques against Sybil Attacks in MANETS: A Literature Survey".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.111-113, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 2 

Pages. 111-113

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