Paper Title

Synchronized Webcam Based Authenticated ATM Centre for End Users


  • R.Nivetha
  • Dr.S.Babu


ATM, ATM pin,bitmap algorithm, image,compression algorithm


Abstract— The Automated Teller Machine is widely used in day-to-day life for commercial application by people for their deposit, withdrawal and transaction of money. ATM card fraud transaction and withdrawal of money is the huge problem for the all the people. In the existing system, there is no guarantee whether the authenticated person is using the ATM account. A secured protocol is defined for perpetual authentication via continuous user verification. The protocol determines timeouts based on the frequency, quality and type of biometric data transparently acquired from the user. But the existing system does know an identity of the user interacted with the system. The main mechanisms of proposed framework include contour-based tracking for interrupted motions and capture the snapshot of person using the atm. The application uses the Image compression standard which is used to reduce the image size without reducing quality of the image. The images are stored in the bank database along with the transaction details in the centralized database. Since the application uses the Image compression technique it saves the storage space at the server side and the images are saved in JPEG format. The image compression reduces the data correlation and replacing it with the simpler data form.

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How To Cite

R.Nivetha, Dr.S.Babu. "Synchronized Webcam Based Authenticated ATM Centre for End Users".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.722-725, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 722-725

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