Paper Title

Identify Hazardous Conditions in Fork Lift and Their Preventive Measures


  • Amit Chandak
  • Sumit Chandak
  • Vinay Dubey


Operator’s Safety, Safety Inspection, Hazard identification Material handling.


A forklift is a vehicle similar to a small truck that has two metal forks on the front used to lift cargo. The forklift operator drives the forklift forward until the forks push under the cargo, and can then lift the cargo several feet in the air by operating the forks. The forks, also known as blades or tines, are usually made out of steel and can lift up to a few tones, depending on the capacity of the forklift and the forks. There are a wide range of forklifts, including pedestrian operated and ride on forklifts. Forklifts vary in size, ranging from one tone capacity for general warehouse type work, up to 50 tone capacity for shipping container work. It involved in numbers of material handling operations which is performed in industry now a days. So that in this paper work hazard identification is carried out on fork lift to identify the hazards related to forklift and their control measures also be given to prevent them. This study concludes that by implementing few new techniques and suggestions for safe working procedures can very much minimize the accidents in material handling.

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How To Cite

Amit Chandak, Sumit Chandak, Vinay Dubey. "Identify Hazardous Conditions in Fork Lift and Their Preventive Measures".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.602-605, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 602-605

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