Controlling Packet Loss at The Network Edge Using STLCC Mechanism
- Bharati P.Tambe
- Eman AR. Uchila
- Harshada R. Shende
- Pratiksha P. Tirodkar
- Amar R. Palwankar
congestion, congestion control, token, TLCC, XCP, STLCC.
The continuous data transmission of audio, video and text through the Internet without the packet loss is extremely difficult. The packet loss is mainly depends on congestion control [3]. Multiple number of algorithms and protocols have been evolved for controlling congestion. These protocols help to decrease packet loss which in turn improves network performance [4]. When peer-to-peer data flow dominates the traffic of the internet, almost all the protocols became helpless. A new and better mechanism named Stable Token Limited Congestion Control (STLCC) is proposed. STLCC basically combines two algorithms XCP and TLCC to examine analytically and then assign resources [5] as per the access link and further maintains congestion control system stable.
Bharati P.Tambe, Eman AR. Uchila, Harshada R. Shende, Pratiksha P. Tirodkar, Amar R. Palwankar. "Controlling Packet Loss at The Network Edge Using STLCC Mechanism".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.545-548, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 1
Pages. 545-548