Paper Title

Experimental studies on wireless sensor networks for the determination wellness of elderly people by designing of a multi-sensor based system


  • K.Srinivasa Reddy
  • Dr.Vaibhav Bansal
  • Dr.S.Venkatesulu


wsn, zigbee, sensor, hearbeat sensor.


Wireless Sensor Networks Application of Wellness Determination for elderly people involves functional assessment of daily activities. We reported a mechanism for estimation of elderly well-being condition based on usage of house-hold appliances connected through various sensing units. An intelligent home monitoring system based on ZIGBEE wireless sensors network has been designed and developed to monitor and evaluate the well-being of the elderly living alone in a home environment. Wellness of elderly can be evaluated for forecasting unsafe situations during monitoring of regular activities. The intelligent software, along with the electronic system can monitor the usage of different household appliances and recognize the activities to determine the well-being of the elderly. Also, the system interprets all the essential information about elder persons such as Heartbeat Rate, Temperature, Movement, lighting in the room. Basically, the system function based on the usage data of electrical and non-electrical appliances within a home. At the hardware level, wireless sensor network with ZigBee components are connected in the form of mesh topology, and a central coordinator of the sensing units collect data from the sensors connected to various appliances. In this system, a required number of sensors for monitoring the daily activities of the elderly have been used. A smart sensor coordinator collects data from the sensing units and forward to the computer system for data processing. Collected sensor data are of low level information containing only status of the sensor as active or inactive and identity of the sensor. To sense the activity behavior of elderly in real time, the next level software module will analyze the collected data by following an intelligent mechanism at various level of data abstraction based on time and sequence behavior of sensor usage. A wireless network containing small interdependent sensor nodes is called WSN (wireless sensor network). Environmental quantities like Light, Temperature, Pressure, Motion, Humidity, Sound etc. are to be measured and monitored with the help of this system. The data that is measured by these sensor nodes is sent to a base station using RF (radio frequency) communication. The communication between the nodes and the base station can be a single hop communication or it can be a multi hop communication depending on the remoteness of the sensor node. The base station also controls the whole network. On each sensor node there are various hardware components. Some of those are Microcontroller, Sensor or Transducer, Radio Frequency Transceiver, Battery or some other power source. Several other components are used for signal processing purpose to bring the sensor output signal in proper form and for proper power supply required for main components. The components required for this purpose are voltage regulators, Amplifiers, resistors, capacitors and crystal oscillator of different frequencies. The developed monitoring system is used to recognize activities of daily living and life style of elderly person living alone. Even though the monitoring system uses a limited number of sensors, it determines the daily behavior of the person. The system was installed in residential environments with ease. Moreover, the proposed sensing system presents an alternative to sensors that are perceived by most people as invasive such as cameras and microphones, making the sensors are almost invisible to the user thereby increasing the acceptance level to use the system in a household environment. The results obtained from this research demonstrate the feasibility to build a system based on wireless sensors, to identify, and possible to distinguish between normal and abnormal situation of an elderly person living alone in a home.

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How To Cite

K.Srinivasa Reddy, Dr.Vaibhav Bansal, Dr.S.Venkatesulu. "Experimental studies on wireless sensor networks for the determination wellness of elderly people by designing of a multi-sensor based system".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.405-410, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 405-410

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