Paper Title

Design and Fracture Analysis of Thin Plate


  • P.Sham Sheer Khan
  • Allabakshu.Shaik
  • N.Charishma


S.I.F,FEA, ANSYS, Plane Stress Analysis, Structural Analysis


The basic aim of this project is to study the deformation and the way of failure of a plate which is having crack height, width of 10&20mm respectively at one end of plate , and to determine the stress intensity factor(k) for failure. For doing the fracture analysis we are using FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS package, ANSYS software, the geometric model with crack is created and then the model is converted in to finite element model by meshing. By taking boundary conditions (Displacement & Pressure). By solving current linear solution, the general postprocessor detects and displays the results. The path is defined to it to maintain uniform and symmetric deformation. By inputting stress in factor for plane stress the stress intensity will be found. S.I.F. is a parameter based on energy release rate at the crack tip. To analyze the above problem the Full crack model or centre crack model is created for mechanical. S.I.F. is a property for plane strain conditions where as a parameter for plane stress conditions. For this the tool chosen is ansys software. In this project S.I.F. is nearly a property and the validification considered for the same. But it is also valid for plane test conditions if the S.I.F. is greater than critical S.I.F. S.I.F is calculated for both mechanical loading and and stress by using ansys software. Finally the validification of the software is also concluded by theoretical comparison which displayed in this project. The conclusion and the limitations of the project are listed at the end of the documentation. However, ANSYS software is predominant in finite element analysis which is unbounded and it is applicable to number of problems. So, my project will be limited for above mentioned limitations.

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How To Cite

P.Sham Sheer Khan, Allabakshu.Shaik, N.Charishma. "Design and Fracture Analysis of Thin Plate".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.338-348, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 338-348

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