Paper Title

Performance evaluation of textured cutting tools – a review


  • Ishankumar Upadhyay
  • Pankaj Rathod


Textured tools, Difficult to cut materials, Cutting forces, Surface roughness, Co-efficient of friction


The novel micro textured cutting tools have been found to be very efficient in improving the machinability of difficult to machine materials like; Ti, Ni based alloys, Al based alloys, hardened steel, etc. Textured tools by using solid lubricants like; MOS2, WS2 etc. are more effective in reducing cutting forces, surface roughness, cutting temperature and co-efficient of friction at tool chip interface and hence reduce energy required for the machining and increase tool life significantly. The main reasons for the improvement in machinability are; 1) reduction in tool chip contact area and 2) textures acting as reservoirs for solid lubricants and formation of self lubricating layer at tool chip interface. The effectiveness of textured tools by and large depends on the texture pattern, orientation of texture with respect to chip flow direction, textured area on the rake face of the cutting tools, lubrication method used etc.

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How To Cite

Ishankumar Upadhyay, Pankaj Rathod. "Performance evaluation of textured cutting tools – a review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.231-241, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 231-241

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