Paper Title

Android Sub-Urban Railway Ticketing Using GPS as Ticket Checker


  • M.G.Harish
  • A.Kavitha


Android Suburban Railway (ASR), Global positioning System (GPS), (Quick-Response) QR-code, Cloud.


Since the earth came into existence, every life on the earth is facing some challenges. Every human needs to stand in the queue for purchasing articles, feeling water near the tank and also to buy tickets. Tickets can vary that is, movie tickets, bus tickets, railway tickets, etc. The technology is growing so rapidly, so this must be changed. The new technology must be enhanced and must be adopted. Android Suburban Railway (ASR) ticketing is to buy the suburban tickets which are the most difficult when compared to booking the long journey tickets through ‘M-ticket’. ASR ticket can be bought with smart phone application, where user can carry his railway tickets in his smart phone as QR-code. It uses Global Positioning System to detect passenger travelling from any source to any destination. It can help to identify thefts, robbers travelling through trains. As soon as passenger gets down from the train his or her ticket will be automatically deleted from his Smartphone. So he or she cannot use this ticket again for travelling. The Android Suburban Railway (ASER) which will automatically detect the passenger’s fare according to the distance travelled as well as detects the passenger’s identification. The User ticket information is stored in a CLOUD database for security. Also the ticket checker is provided with a checker application to look for user’s ticket with the ticket number in the cloud database for checking purposes.

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How To Cite

M.G.Harish, A.Kavitha. "Android Sub-Urban Railway Ticketing Using GPS as Ticket Checker".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.141-144, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 141-144

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