Performance Enhancement of DC to DC Boost Converter Based on PID Controller using Automatic Tuning Method
- Abhishake Dutta
- Baljit Singh
DC- DC Boost Converter, State Space Average Model,Transfer function of Boost Converter, PID Controller
This research paper confer the improvement of operating characteristics of DC-DC Boost converter applying PID controller. Primarily we studied the Dc-Dc converter. After that we obtained the state space model of the Dc-Dc converter and using this state space model a transfer function is derived. Next we design the converter in Matlab/Simulation environment. Later we obtain the output response of the designed boost converter. Then we incorporate a PID controller tuned manually in conjunction with designed converter and output results are again obtained. Now we used the obtained transfer function with the PID controller in a unity feedback closed loop model for auto-tuning to get the output response. At the end all the three output results obtained are compared and conclusion is drawn. All simulations have been carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment.
Abhishake Dutta, Baljit Singh. "Performance Enhancement of DC to DC Boost Converter Based on PID Controller using Automatic Tuning Method".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.103-112, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 1
Pages. 103-112