Paper Title

A literature review on supply chain management barriers in manufacturing organization


  • Vishal Parmar
  • H.G.Shah


supply chain management, literature review, barrier


Objective of this study is to identify barrier of supply chain management (SCM) in manufacturing organization through systematic literature review of past ten years and identify most critical barrier which hinder the performance of supply chain. List of barrier identified by comprehensive literature review is presented here. This paper has identified 23 key SCM barriers which help industrial practitioners and academic experts to implement SCM. Nowadays manufacturing organizations are competing based of supply chain to supply chain rather than organization to organization. Effective supply chain management help organization to in securing his position in this competitive environment and improving organizations performance.

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How To Cite

Vishal Parmar, H.G.Shah. "A literature review on supply chain management barriers in manufacturing organization".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.26-42, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 1 

Pages. 26-42

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