Paper Title

Rajyoga Meditation and Effects: A Comprehensive Review


  • Ashish Sahu
  • Dr. Satya Prakash Dubey


Rajyoga meditation, Cardiovascular, Psychosomatic disease, Emotional Intelligence, Hyperacidity, Psychoactive abuse/dependence, Cancer, Affective and cognitive functions, Chronic Headache, Schizo-affective disorder.


Stress, result of acute demand of enhanced performance throughout the work period in this highly competitive world. Stress causes a variety of physiological changes in the human body namely hypertension, angina, insomnia and impotency etc.. The practice of meditation may offer a way to relieve that stress. Meditation has a number of positive effects on physiology of human body. The Raja Yoga meditation, a technique of mediation, has been showed very effective results on vital heath parameters. This paper presents a comprehensive review of various meditation techniques, practice of Rajyoga meditation and its effects on various health parameters.

Article Type


How To Cite

Ashish Sahu, Dr. Satya Prakash Dubey. "Rajyoga Meditation and Effects: A Comprehensive Review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.1004-1018, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 4 

Pages. 1004-1018

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