Paper Title

Analysis of External Aerodynamics of Sedan and Hatch Back Car Models Having Same Frontal Area by Experimental Wind Tunnel Method


  • Sharath Kumar S N
  • Dr. C. K. Umesh


Aerodynamics, Wind Tunnel, Sedan, Hatch Back, Drag-Co-Efficient


Analysis of vehicle external aerodynamics has a very important role to play in designing aesthetic, safer and fuel efficient vehicles. An aerodynamically efficient vehicle cuts through the air smoothly, has less rolling and yawing forces at high speeds and consumes less gallons of fuel for the distance travelled. The effectiveness of aerodynamics of a particular vehicle is measured by a dimensionless parameter known as Drag- Co-Efficient. The value of Drag Co- Efficient is close to or more than 1 for boxy design vehicles such as passenger bus, truck etc, while its value is close to or less than 0.1 for stream lined vehicles such as race cars, fighter jets etc. The major objective of this work was to perform aerodynamic comparison of Sedan and Sedan derived Hatch Back car models having same frontal area by conventional wind tunnel experimental approach on a 1:30 scaled wooden car models. The experimental analysis was carried out in an open circuit blower type wind tunnel having a test section dimensions 0.3 m wide, 0.3 m high and 1.5 m long. Experimental results suggest that Sedan car is more streamlined and aerodynamically efficient as compared to that of Hatch Back car model. Even though both the car models have the same frontal area, Hatch back model has approximately 13% more Drag Co-Efficient as compared to that of Sedan car model. This can be concluded in the other way; conversion of Hatch Back car into a Sedan car by keeping frontal area same can improve the Drag Co-Efficient by 13%.

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How To Cite

Sharath Kumar S N, Dr. C. K. Umesh. "Analysis of External Aerodynamics of Sedan and Hatch Back Car Models Having Same Frontal Area by Experimental Wind Tunnel Method".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.812-816, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 4 

Pages. 812-816

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