Paper Title

Various Types of Tool for Instrumentation of Android Application


  • Bhusadiya Pravin
  • Prof. B.V.Buddhadev


Instrumentation; Pin; Pintool; Virtual Machine; Runtime; Soot; Drozer


There are various types of tool for instrumenting the android application. PIN is a dynamic binary instrumentation engine or framework. It can be used for several purposes, but mostly for program analysis (memory allocation analysis, error detection, performance profiling, etc...) and for architectural study (processor and cache simulation, trace collection, etc…). There are three type of tools (1) Pintool (2) Soot (3) Drozer. Pintool is mostly use for Program analysis. Drozer tool is used for security assessment and soot tool are used for optimization. This paper analyze these tool and pin tool is best for instrumenting the android application

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How To Cite

Bhusadiya Pravin, Prof. B.V.Buddhadev. "Various Types of Tool for Instrumentation of Android Application".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.774-777, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 4 

Pages. 774-777

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