Paper Title

An Approach Providing Two Phase Security of Images Using Encryption and Steganography in Image Processing


  • Dhvani Panchal
  • Chaita Jani
  • Hemin Panchal


Image encryption, Encryption key, Image steganography, Stego key, Chirikov mapping.


Security is major concern for the transmission of multimedia. To protect multimedia content from intruder is much more crucial task. Many cryptographic techniques are already available for security of multimedia content. This paper proposes Two-phase security of images by using encryption & steganography. It provides security of images from intruder with the help of two important cryptographic techniques i.e. Encryption and Steganography. Here, both these techniques are used at two different phases. In phase-I, encryption is used for converting the input image into cipher image with the help of encryption key. Chirikov mapping is used for encryption of image. In phase-II, steganography is used for hiding the encryption key of phase-I into cipher image. The goal of the system for the implementation is not only protecting image but the key also. It also reduces the cost for transmission of key.

Article Type


How To Cite

Dhvani Panchal, Chaita Jani, Hemin Panchal. "An Approach Providing Two Phase Security of Images Using Encryption and Steganography in Image Processing".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.561-565, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 4 

Pages. 561-565

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