Investigation, Analysis of Casting Defect By Using Statistical Quality Control Tools
- Hardik N. Sheth
- Kushal M. Shah
- Divyesh Sathwara
- Rushik Trivedi
Casting defect, feedback, lean six sigma and statistical quality control tools.
Organization now a days need to improve their product/process/services continuously and progressively for that lean six sigma is the holistic approach that address multiple aspect of organization competitiveness it is only tool to achieve overall operational excellence. Casting production involves various processes which include pattern making, moulding, core making, metal melting, pouring, shell breaking, shot blasting etc. It is very difficult to produce defect free castings. Occurrence of the defect may involve single or multiple causes. These causes can be minimized through systematic procedure of applying various tools and technique .This paper represents analyses and investigation of casting defects and identification of remedial measures carried out at specific industry. Diagnostic study carried out on overall process of casting. Castings products revealed that the contribution of the five prominent defects in casting rejections were found and they are sand drop, blow hole, fin, and rough surface and cold shut. It was noticed that these defects were frequently occurring at different locations. Systematic analyses were carried out to understand the reasons for defects occurrence and suitable remedial measures were identified and implementation of lean six sigma up to some extend and generating feedback system between two industry.
Hardik N. Sheth, Kushal M. Shah, Divyesh Sathwara, Rushik Trivedi. "Investigation, Analysis of Casting Defect By Using Statistical Quality Control Tools".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.247-254, URL :
Volume 3 Issue 4
Pages. 247-254