Paper Title

Design & Performance Analysis of Triple Band Micro Strip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications


  • M. Ravi Kishore
  • V. Jeevan Kumar
  • D.Chiranjeevulu


Microstrip,Tri-Band,Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX,, WLAN, Edge-Fed, HFSS Software


There is a growing demand for a multiband terminal antenna that is capable of receiving multiple services introduced by different wireless technology networks. These networks include Bluetooth, WiMAX, and WLAN which operate at different frequency bands. Micro strip antennas are widely used in many applications due to their low Profile, low cost and ease of fabrication. In some applications it is desired to have a dual band or multiband characteristics. This paper presents the design and simulation of a Multiband Microstrip patch antenna with operating frequencies 2.25GHz, 3.4GHz and 5.64GHz for wireless applications. The shape will provide the broad bandwidth which is required in various wireless applications. An Edge-Fed microstrip with substrate FR4epoxy having dielectric constant 4.4 and substrate height of 1.57mm is designed and analyzed with different parameters like VSWR, Gain, Peak directivity, Return losses, Bandwidth etc,. This antenna design is an improvement from previous research and it is simulated using HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) version 13.0 software.

Article Type


How To Cite

M. Ravi Kishore, V. Jeevan Kumar, D.Chiranjeevulu. "Design & Performance Analysis of Triple Band Micro Strip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp.1-6, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 3 

Pages. 1-6

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