Paper Title

Analysis of Municipal Water Distribution System to Identify and Evaluate Water Loss


  • Manoj Arun Raskar
  • Prof. Sagar Gawande


Water losses, Efficiency of water distribution network, Field survey


Water distribution network is in complex nature to understand and managing water losses. The water balance table developed by IWA/AWWA is used to identify the point of entry and exit of water throughout the distribution system for analysis water loss. But the main problem to evaluate water loss is meters were not installed at consumer end in developing cities without which evaluation is not possible. This paper review a method developed for measuring water loss using data of volume of water meet at consumer end and population to analysis of distribution system. The water supplies through municipal corporations in Maharashtra, India are faced more challenges of water loss and less efficiency of water supply. Ahmednagar city water distribution system was selected to develop methodology. Random field survey was used to execute proposed methodology and consist of actual field measurement and physical inspection. Personal interview for daily consumption is used to evaluate water quantity. The collected data will make possible to analysis water loss in the city and allowing for planning and actions that must be programmed to prevent additional water and revenue losses.

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How To Cite

Manoj Arun Raskar, Prof. Sagar Gawande. "Analysis of Municipal Water Distribution System to Identify and Evaluate Water Loss".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp., URL :


Volume 3 Issue 3 


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