Paper Title

Genetic Algorithms Based PID controller Design


  • Charanjeet Singh


Tuning of PID controller, Zeigler-Nicholas Method, Genetic Algorithm.


A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control is the most commonly used algorithm in industrial control systems. With its three term functionality providing regulation to both transient and steady state responses, PID control offers the simplest and most efficient solution to many industrial control problems. Tuning of PID gain parameters continuous to be important as these parameters has great influence on the stability and the performance of the control system. The objective of this paper is to tune and analyze the performance of PID controller using Genetic Algorithms (GA). The performance of Genetic Algorithm based PID controller is compared with that of traditional methods e.g. Zeigler Nicholas method. The result obtained reflect that use of GA based PID controller improves the performance of system.

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How To Cite

Charanjeet Singh. "Genetic Algorithms Based PID controller Design".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp., URL :


Volume 3 Issue 3 


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