Paper Title

Energy Efficient Data Collection Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey


  • Anagha K
  • Dr.Binu GS


Wireless sensor network, Clustering, Data collection, Mobile sink


Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of many sensor nodes deployed in a large area for sensing the events occurring in that environment. The main source of energy consumption in sensor networks is the data collection process. Data collection should be done with minimum energy expenditure, latency and packet collision. Overcoming these issues is a challenging task in wireless sensor networks. This paper presents a survey of various techniques used for data collection with minimum energy consumption.

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How To Cite

Anagha K, Dr.Binu GS. "Energy Efficient Data Collection Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.1310-1318, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 2 

Pages. 1310-1318

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