CI Engine Using Alternative Fuel: Review
- Ravindra A Patil
- Tushar A Koli
CI Engine, Alternative Fuel, Properties.
Abstract – The rapidly depleting conventional energy source has promoted researchers to concentrate on alternative fuel sources. Compression Ignition (CI) engines are the drivers of economy, hence attention is focused to find out alternatives fuels for these engines. Among various possible options, liquid biodiesels seems to be most promising and suitable alternative to diesel fuels in CI engine. The chemistry of biodiesels is entirely different from diesel. Diesel is basically hydrocarbons however biodiesels constitutes oxygen mass along with carbon and hydrogen in its chemical structure. The presence oxygen mass in biodiesels has dramatic effect on the physical and chemical properties of biodiesels. The structural oxygen content in biodiesels improves combustion efficiency due to increase in the homogeneity of oxygen with fuel during combustion; however presence of oxygen in fuel also lowers the energy content of fuel. Biodiesels production is a promising and important field of research.
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 1295-1298