Rudimentary Study and Design Process of Low Noise Amplifier At Ka Band
- Hiren V Bhalani
- N. M. Prabhakar
LNA, Gain, Noise figure, ADS Software
This paper presents the fundamental study and literature survey on LNA and Advance Design System (ADS). Low noise amplifier (LNA) is one of the basic building blocks of a communication system. The purpose of the LNA is to amplify the received signal to acceptable levels while minimizing the noise it adds. The low noise amplifier is used in communication systems to amplify very weak signals captured by an antenna. It is often located very close to the antenna thereby making losses in the feed-line less critical. .Gain, noise figure, return loss, P1dB, third order intercept point are most the important parameter in LNA. Here design procedure for LNA is included. The most important task in the design is to establish a tradeoff between the noise figure and gain of the amplifier. Advanced Design Software (ADS) is used to carry out simulations for the design and to see how the design is comparable to the specifications.
Hiren V Bhalani, N. M. Prabhakar. "Rudimentary Study and Design Process of Low Noise Amplifier At Ka Band".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.1181-1183, URL :
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 1181-1183