Routing Algorithm using DNA Cryptography in MANET
MANET, Routing protocols, security, DNA Cryptography
MANET is collection of nodes with wireless communication and networking capability that communicates with each other without any centralized node as it is infrastructure less. Due to mobility and limited radio range, every node has to perform the dual responsibility of host of different services as well as routers for forwarding information. Different routing algorithms are used for transmitting the information such as DSDV, DSR, AODV. In MANET communication is done via open medium, so Transmitted information and network is vulnerable to different types of attacks. Thus, for providing security against unauthorized access to data there is need for secure routing protocols.DNA Cryptography is used to safeguard the data against the unauthorized access.
We consider protocol AODV i.e. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector.DNA cryptography is used in routing algorithm of MANET as security has always been main concern in data communication and networking.DNA cryptography as an approach to ensure highly secure environment for transmission of data across mobile networks. The DNA cryptography is used in routing algorithms which reduce the impact on security of MANET.
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 1065-1071