Energy Efficiency in Manets Using AOMDV
MANETs, AOMDV, DREAM, Energy Efficiency
Mobile Ad–hoc NETwork (MANET) is an infrastructure-independent, multi-hop network where each node communicates with other nodes directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes. Thus, all nodes in MANET basically function as mobile routers participating in some routing protocol required for deciding and maintaining the routes. All nodes in network are energy dependent because they run on limited battery power. Hence, efficient energy utilization is one of the important issues in MANET. If the nodes in network are known about the energy status and the status of location of receiver, it reduces the energy consumption with better throughput. Because of the dynamic behavior of the network, links are not maintained for long time. Multi-path routing protocol better manages the traffic than the single path routing protocol in Ad–hoc networks, thereby reducing the congestion possibility by dividing the traffic in alternative paths. This project utilizes AOMDV protocol for efficient energy utilization and better throughput, and location–aware (DREAM) protocol to keep track of the location of mobile nodes. Hence, the combined features of these protocols better manages the energy utilization of nodes. The performance is measured on the basis of performance parameters like Routing Protocol, Simulation time, Traffic type (TCP & UDP), Packet size, Node movement at maximum Speed, Transmission range, Transmission Energy, Receiving Energy, Normal Routing Load and Packet Delivery Ratio.
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 839-844