Paper Title

Reactive Power Loss Allocation in a Deregulated Power System


  • Ms. Monisa.C


allocation; orthogonal current projetcion; proportional sharing; Q market; reactive power loss.


In a deregulated environment, it is important to allocate the transmission loss to the participants for which they are responsible. Even a slight change in the allocation of loss ends up in significant loss or gain for the participants. Although real power is the main traded commodity in the market, reactive power is the essential for the transfer of real power through the transmission lines. Since generators and loads are present in the same interconnected network, transmission usage of one participants has significant effect on other participants. Hence reactive power loss should be allocated equitably among the participants with minimized cross subsidies. This paper proposes a new method of reactive power loss allocation for a pure reactive power market based on the proportional sharing rule. This method is based on the circuit theories and the concept of orthogonal current projection. A sample four bus system has been studied for the allocation of reactive power loss to the participants.

Article Type


How To Cite

Ms. Monisa.C. "Reactive Power Loss Allocation in a Deregulated Power System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.812-815, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 2 

Pages. 812-815

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