Influence of Geotextile on Flexural Strength of Beam and CBR Value of Soil
- Kute Chidanand
- Arpita Patel
Geotextile, CBR, Flexural strength test, Rigid pavement.
This Geotextile is a new material which is used around the soil by applying the tension resistant elements in the form of sheets, strips and nets. There are various loads are acting on the foundation. If the soil is loose than its increase the foundation cost, to overcome this problem different layers of geotextile are applied between the different layers of soil. Using the different types of woven geotextile perform the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) test by applying at different depths and calculate the loads and penetration and on from these values calculate the CBR value of soil and behalf of this we can find out capacity improvement ratio of the soil, and design the rigid pavement. Geotextile is also applied in various lengths and in different proportions in cube and cylinders and perform compression and split tension test. It is applied as the layer around three sides of beam to sustain the flexural load and perform flexural test and take out the results.
Kute Chidanand, Arpita Patel. "Influence of Geotextile on Flexural Strength of Beam and CBR Value of Soil".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.711-714, URL :
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 711-714