Seismic Performance Assessment of the Reinforced Concrete Structure with Masonry Infill wall
- Vijay N Rathod
- Dr. B S Munjal
- Suhasini M Kulkarni
Masonry Infill, RC Structure, Fundamental Natural Period, STAAD PRO V8i
Masonry infill walls are remarkable in increasing the initial stiffness of reinforced concrete RC frames, and being the stiffer component, attract most of the lateral seismic shear forces on buildings, thereby reducing the demand on the RC frame members. However, behavior of masonry infill is difficult to predict because of significant variations in material properties and because of failure modes that are brittle in nature. As a result, masonry infill walls have often been treated as non-structural elements in building, and the effects are not included in the analysis and design procedure. However, experience shows that MI may have significant positive or negative effects on the global behavior of buildings and, therefore, should be addressed appropriately. This paper reviews and compares the analysis of reinforced concrete structure with masonry infill wall by using different modeling techniques like Diagonal strut method, shell & plate element method etc.
Vijay N Rathod, Dr. B S Munjal, Suhasini M Kulkarni. "Seismic Performance Assessment of the Reinforced Concrete Structure with Masonry Infill wall".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.441-446, URL :
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 441-446