Three Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Ceramic Heat Exchanger
- Chandrakala N S
- Hanoca P
- Naveena kumar R R
Ceramic heat ex-changer, Cross flow, rectangular duct, nuzzling effect.
- The ceramic heat ex-changer is studied to find the performance of heat transfer and pressure drop by numerical computation. The numerical computation was performed throughout the domain including fluid region in exhaust gas side rectangular ducts, ceramic core and fluid region in air side rectangular duct with the air and exhaust in cross flow direction. The main aim is to reduce the hot side temperature from 1100oc to 600oc and later it passes through the metallic heat exchanger temperature ranges less than 600oc. By increasing the Reynolds number on the cold air side this increase the velocity of the cold fluid Increase the heat transfer rate also increase the velocity by using nuzzling effect on cold air slot. The main purpose using the ceramic is to withstand with high temperature than metal.
Chandrakala N S, Hanoca P, Naveena kumar R R. "Three Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Ceramic Heat Exchanger".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.316-320, URL :
Volume 3 Issue 2
Pages. 316-320