Paper Title

An Efficient Approach for Detecting Thematic Object Using Surf


  • T.K.Puneethkumar
  • R.Jeya


thematic, feature, detecting, object, extraction


The object that appears frequently in a set or sequence of images is defined as thematic object. In a collection of image sequences, thematic object as a key object. Detecting common objects that appear frequently in a set of images is an intriguing problem. It also lacks the prior knowledge in common pattern. System is proposed so that it overcomes the above problems. System consists of Pre-processing, which enhances the data images prior to computational processing. SURF algorithm is used for detecting, extracting and for matching the feature points with respect to geometric transformations. Obtained feature points from the different images are compared to determine the common feature from the data images. This solution helps to locate the thematic objects much more easily within less time.

Article Type


How To Cite

T.K.Puneethkumar, R.Jeya. "An Efficient Approach for Detecting Thematic Object Using Surf".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.180-184, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 2 

Pages. 180-184

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