Effect of a Biodiesel-additive on Low-temperature Operability and Performance of a Diesel Engine
- Murari Mohon Roy
- Wilson Wang
- Gabriel G Gonsales
- Andre DS Cantanhede
Biodiesel-additive, Wintron XC 30, Low-temperature property, Diesel engine, Engine performance, Engine emissions.
Biodiesel, consisting of the alkyl esters of fatty acids from vegetable oils or animal fats, is a promising alternative to petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel, when produced from vegetable oils is considered a carbon-neutral fuel based on the fact that the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is consumed during plant growth. Research has shown that biodiesel-fueled engines produce less carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon (HC), and particulate matter (PM) emissions compared to using petroleum diesel fuel. However, there is a major problem associated with biodiesel; it has worse cold flow property compared to petroleum diesel, which prohibits its use in cold atmospheric conditions. The study in this work will investigate the effect of a biodiesel additive (Wintron XC 30) on the cold flow property and examines the performance and emissions of a direct injection (DI) diesel engine. Wintron XC 30 is added from 0.25 to 2.0 vol.% in different diesel-biodiesel blends. Low percentage of biodiesel (5%) in the blend with additives shows a little better cold flow property than diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) and brake thermal efficiency (ηth) are measured as the engine performance parameters, and CO, HC, NO, NO2, NOx, CO2 and O2 are measured in emissions. B5 and B10 with lower amount of additives show comparable engine performance and emissions that of diesel.
Murari Mohon Roy, Wilson Wang, Gabriel G Gonsales, Andre DS Cantanhede. "Effect of a Biodiesel-additive on Low-temperature Operability and Performance of a Diesel Engine".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.368-376, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1501068.pdf
Volume 3 Issue 1
Pages. 368-376