Paper Title

Numerical Simulation of Bullet Proof Vest Using Finite Element Method Under Impact Loading


  • A. Saravanapandi Solairajan
  • S. Alexraj
  • P.Vijaya Rajan


Ballistic Impact, Energy Absorption, Finite Element Modeling, Simulation, Material Used as Al Layers, Graphene, Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes


With the increasing concern on occupational safety, people pay more and more attention to mechanical protection. At present, the focus of relevant researches is on the mechanical protection performance of high performance and high strength. The influences that mechanical properties have on the mechanical protective performance of material are discussed in this paper. Using material is made on the grapheme, SWNT and al layers. This model is created in the PRO E software. When the material is used for the defense purpose and for the safety purpose at the time of the war enclosure the problem facing here is when the impact is applied at a point the material deformation occurs and a particular point and the deflection will be very high so that the human who is wearing the material as the body proof experience a heavy pain in that, concluded is we are introducing the new composite material for the design( i.e. Attach aluminum layer at the front and back) which will convert a point in to a uniformly distributed load across the material hence by reducing the point deformation. In this paper validation of experimental and a numerical result of impact tests of composite laminate (al layers, graphene, SWNT) has been carried out using ANSYS. The mechanical response and energy absorption characteristics of material under high speed projectile impact are dependent up on intrinsic constitutive relations, construction parameters such as material type and construction, area, density, projectile shape, and impact conditions such as impact velocity and boundary conditions.

Article Type


How To Cite

A. Saravanapandi Solairajan, S. Alexraj, P.Vijaya Rajan. "Numerical Simulation of Bullet Proof Vest Using Finite Element Method Under Impact Loading".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.272-276, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 1 

Pages. 272-276

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